((I realize this is all quite backwards, as typically an introduction post would be written, well, first obviously, as a means of preparing the audience of what lies ahead; but oh well, I've never really been one to do things the customary way anyway. Amen to that ;D))
So here goes...
DISCLAIMER: While venturing this blog, please do so with caution, dear soul, for I do not claim to know anything about anything or to be any sort of legitimate resource for trusted information. What I can promise is that the words you will find herein are true to what I found to be the most accurate for the point in my life and frame of mind I was in at the time of their posting. I can guarantee %100 authenticity regarding my feelings on the topics I report. I can ensure the sincerity of my quest for expression, and hope that will reflect naturally in my entries. I hope this space becomes a safe corner, an outlet of creativity, a map of self discovery. I hope this blog can become a useful tool on my journey towards bettering myself and my life here on earth. I hope inner truths, secret longings, and previously ignored needs may feel free to surface unexpectedly from my depths and boldly make themselves known. I cannot, however, declare any sort of insurance for your own personal development. Of course I wish you well dear one, but the language that nourishes me may not be the same as the one which nourishes you. For these words are provided for my own benefit in mind - I have not yet reached that magical peak in writing when one's words are no longer selfish prattling into the universe's ear, but rather, valuable wisdom which may be of use to others beyond oneself. Of course, if by some miraculous means you do benefit from my babbling, please, do share my sweetpea! I'm happy to have contributed.
Not being customary is always fun!
I can see why you put your trust into something like this, I'm quite enjoying the whole 'blogosphere' myself.
Cool, I am looking forward to all of it, haha
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