Here Lies the Snow Leopard...

...curled, covered, camoflauged in the deep snow of the Himalayas; wrapped in her tail is an old weathered book - faded and cracked leather binding, pages flimsy with age peeking out from the cover.

"I came for the book" you say.

The Snow Leopard scoffs, breath misting the frozen air in an irritated huff. "So you have," she sighs.

She unfurls her thick protective tail, slowly, as if the action pains her; and in a way it does - to reveal this tightly kept secret to you.

You bow to her gratefully - you've ached to uncover the book for so long now...

You pick it up gingerly, as if cradling a limp sleeping baby. Finally! The mystery is right in your own hands.

Tenderly, you lift the worn cover and read...

Which Topics Do You Want to Hear About?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

must be the weather.

i've never been "the usual",
i've always been a horse of a different color.
more of an entirely different species, really
sometime i wonder "am i real?" perhaps this is all
just a complicated dream. what then, is anything worth, is anything for
does anything in the world matter anymore...?
the sunflowers bloom in the corner of my eyes
and songs are being sung without any words at all
and sometimes things are so beautiful i want to cry
and so there must be
a reason. for all.... all of this
for all of you and you and you
out there, living, breathing, being, falling down
and scraping your knees and mother
picking you up and slapping on a band aid cos
hey, buck up kid, no one ever said this was gonna be a cakewalk.
and tears sometimes too; when i want to hold you so bad that
my fingers shudder at the emptiness
and my dreams make reality ache - and -and -

i can't help but just feel so useless in the rain.

erratic freeverse in attempts to make the shadows lift.
it isn't working

image from here

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

WOW! You are an amazing writer of poetry. If you don't know what you are going to be when you grow up, you should right poetry or stories.